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June 01, 2002
The Heir Apparently

We waited at USC Perinatal for almost two hours while grumpy pregnant women went in and out of the doctor's office. G was nervous while his mom and I just chatted it up. Finally my name was called and we all filed into the examining room. Like a good little patient I hopped up on the examining table, laid back and exposed my ever-growing belly to the technician waiting with ultrasonic jelly in hand. G and his mom watched a big computer screen and I had a little monitor to the right of my head so I could watch the little bugger swim around.

He showed us the different parts of the brain, the spinal cord, the arms and legs. He magically colorized the blood so we could follow it into and out of the fast-beating heart.

We made a lot of oooing and ahhhing noises, completely amazed that this is going on inside my body.

After a little while the technician switched off the machine and said that everything looked fine.

"Well?" I asked. "What is it?"

He smiled. "Oh I know what it is, but let me double check."

He flipped all the machines back on and ran the scanner across my belly once again. "Do you see that?"

We all stared at the monitor, not sure what we should be looking at.

"It's a boy."

We stared harder and I decided to take his word for it.

"How sure are you?' G piped in, a little vklempt.

"Do you mean, could that be the umbilical cord? Well it does not look like that, so I'd say about 98% sure."


Can you count all ten toes?

Posted by Molli at June 01, 2002 11:47 AM







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